BCOM’s Student ACOP named Chapter of the Month!

BCOM’s very own American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP) Student Chapter has been named chapter of the month! See the announcement below and visit acopeds.org to learn more about ACOP.

We are so pleased to announce that the October ACOP Chapter of the Month is Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM)! Despite being a brand new school, they made an incredible impact in their community through an impressive number of events, including:

  • Volunteering at Jardin de los Ninos, a daycare for homeless and near-homeless children
  • Visiting the Onate High School Health Occupations class and conducting a panel about entering the healthcare industry
  • Giving building tours to students of the Boys and Girls Club of Las Cruces
  • Hosting a campus-wide “Trick or Treat for UNICEF” fundraiser throughout the month of October

BCOM will be featured in the ACOP Pulse Newsletter for this recognition, so be on the lookout for that article! Read current and archived issues at: acopeds.org/pulse-newsletter/

Please keep up the AMAZING work and continue to share your events and updates with us on here and via email (acopstudents@gmail.com)! We look forward to seeing what November brings for each chapter!