KISS the PIG for PAC Contest


The New Mexico Osteopathic Political Action Committee (NMOPAC) is proud to announce the KISS the PIC for PAC contest featuring our contestants: President John Hummer, Dean George Mychaskiw, DO, and Brett Newcomer, Director of Student Affairs.

The winner will be announced on December 5, 2016 at 12pm in the patio by the Bear Den.  The contestant that raises the most dollar contributions will “Kiss a real Pig”.  See the flyer and contribution form attached for more information.

The NMOPAC is an organization, affiliated with the New Mexico Osteopathic Medical Association which supports the osteopathic profession throughout New Mexico. The future of Osteopathic Medicine is important to us all and, with your contributions and support, NMOPAC will work directly in the legislative process to uphold the principles and beliefs to which Osteopathic Medicine is devoted. We are committed to renewing our efforts at the “round house” and statewide to promote the profession of Osteopathic Medicine and the Osteopathic medical students who represent the future of our profession.

Please support our PAC, I hope to see everyone attend this event and have fun!

Scott S. Cyrus, D.O., FACOP
NMOPAC Chairman


