Student Government Association News and Announcements

MERCHANDISE: This week we’ll be placing orders for our first merchandise item (retractable badge holders). We’ll be pricing them at $5 a piece. Since we’re short on funds we’ll initially be placing an order for only 100. Once they come in we’ll be selling them in person. We’re looking at purchasing a few other merchandise items as well, but because we have very little money at the moment, we can’t invest in any other items until we get the profits from the badge holders and the class T-shirts. If you’ve got a bumper sticker design/idea that you think many people would purchase, please forward those designs to Alex Lam.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS: If you’re the president (or equivalent position) of a student organization on campus and have not already contacted me with information regarding your club/interest group, please do so. Jessica and I will be setting up a meeting between all organization presidents to discuss a few organizational things, but for now I need:
1. Your personal cell phone number
2. The name of your faculty advisor
3. A list of all your officers and their respective positions

BOARD PREP DISCOUNTS: There’s a couple companies willing to offer our students discounts on their products.
1. I’ve spoken with the company representative for Pathoma and we agreed that a discount would best be offered to us at the beginning of year 2 when we focus more on the pathological aspects of the human body.
2. Draw It To Know It has provided us with a coupon code good for 20% off your total. This code is only good for the first 100 redemptions and will expire on the 12/30/2016. Some students from our class are currently subscribed to this product and seem to enjoy it. Here’s the discount code for those who are interested: TBAGCJD3 (please let me know if this code doesn’t work for you).
3. UMSLE FIRST AID / USMLE RX are having some holiday / Black Friday promotions coming up. Be sure to look out on their website for those. This company is willing to offer us discounts if we have a student step up to be an on campus representative for the company. If you are interested in this, contact me and I’ll speak with you in person about the process of signing up to be a “student ambassador” for the company.

ST. BALDRICK’S HEAD SHAVING EVENT: In partnering with ACOP (Peds Club) and SOMA, SGA is proud to announce that we’ll be co-hosting a St. Baldrick’s Head Shaving event here at BCOM next semester! A date hasn’t been decided yet, but we’ll let y’all know exactly when we plan on hosting this. St. Baldrick’s is a national organization that raises money for childhood cancer and childhood cancer research. Every year thousands of children suffer from cancer simply because very little money is allocated to that particular field of research. St. Baldrick’s aims to make that a thing of the past by collecting donations from all around the country through organizing events such as head shaving events. We’ll be looking for volunteers to raise money to shave their heads for childhood cancer next semester. If you’re interested in participating or know anybody in town who might be interested, pass on the word and be on the lookout for more details. I participated in this event last year at the medical school where I was at and it turned out to be a huge success! We raised a few thousand dollars between 14 people.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH/VOLUNTEERING: We’re looking to have at least 3 volunteers each Sunday help out at El Caldito Soup Kitchen. If you’re interested in putting in some hours, here is the sign up sheet:

UGLY SWEATER COMPETITION: Do you have an ugly sweater that you’ve been waiting to wear? Well good news for you! We’re having an ugly sweater competition! The tentative plan is for us to host it on Tuesday, December 22. During the lunch hour, we’ll have some snacks and drinks laid out for everyone to enjoy. Voting will take place the same way voting took place for the Halloween costume contest. We’ll take a group picture in the morning and announce the winner at the end of the day!

EVEREST MOVIE NIGHT: As part of the pulmonary curriculum, Dr. Richard Selinfreund and Dr. David Rodenbaugh are using a movie night to watch the 1998 movie Into Thin Air as a supplement to what we are learning. It will air on Saturday, December 17 (time to be announced) and SGA will be selling candies, popcorn, drinks, etc. for the viewing. All proceeds will go to a charitable cause surrounding respiratory issues (e.g. Cystic Fibrosis).


Alexander Lam
Student Government Association President