BCOM Campus Parking Updates

BCOM’s brand new parking lot on the southwest corner of campus is now open for overflow parking for students, staff, and guests. As of January 30, we are enforcing parking restrictions. Please follow these rules:


  • We now have several permanent visitor spots in the first row of the front parking lot. Those are for visitors! The rest of the row is for staff, but may be changed on days we have a high influx of visitors. Pay attention to the signs!


  • Students and staff must have parking stickers and should park only in their designated areas as indicated by the newly installed signage. If you don’t have a sticker, please see Student Affairs for student stickers or HR for staff stickers.


  • The marked parallel parking lane is open for students or staff. Please note that is a one-way zone. Entry is from the Arrowhead Drive entrance.


  • There is now a designated motorcycle parking are in the NW parking area. That is open to students and staff.


  • Some spots in the NW parking lot may be reserved for clinic patients and/or standardized patients. Again, pay attention to the signs.


  • Standard parking rules apply: No parking in front of fire hydrants. Valid, state-issued handicapped parking sticker or plate is required to park in a designated handicapped space.


  • Parking is open in all lots after 4:00 pm weekdays, and all day Saturday and Sunday.