Academic publishing is an important marker for most any higher education institution. It measures research productivity, acknowledges the school’s contribution to academia, and allows faculty members to reshape policy and understanding throughout their field and sometimes on a broader level.
Now in its second year of classes, BCOM is already gaining recognition in the realm of academic publishing thanks to motivated faculty and students who are already making their voices heard.
Last semester, Samuel Kadavakollu, Ph.D., an assistant professor of biochemistry at the school, worked with students Robert W. Lyday, Abigail M. Etters, Chris Kim, Fernando Magana, and Gabriel M. Pontipiedra, to submit a review paper titled “PDE5 Inhibitors Offer Novel Mechanisms in Cancer Therapy” for publication in in the medical journal, Current Cancer Therapy Reviews. (Read more at: Students Submit BCOM’s First Manuscript for Publication.)
Dr. Kadavakollu was notified over the summer that their paper was officially accepted for publication in the journal. It will be printed in the 2017, Volume 13 of Current Cancer Therapy Reviews. It is currently available as an e-publication ahead of print at
Student Abigail M. Etters, who contributed to the PDE5 Inhibitors article, also worked with Kadavakollu on another manuscript, which was recently accepted for publication in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. The paper is titled “Chronic Pain Management from the Perspective of an Osteopathic Medical Student in New Mexico.” It will be published in the JAOA later this year.
Over the summer, another student in the class of 2020, Antony Awad, worked under two nuerosurgeons from the University of California-Riverside, Paul Kaloostian, MD, and Samer Ghostine, MD. Under their supervision, Awad was able to publish a chapter in a textbook titled, Your Healthcare.
Awad explains, “This paper is titled “The Evolution of Residency Training and Work Hours: A Closer Look.” Within this paper, I delve into the ACGME governing body and discuss the past and current evolution of residency work hours and the training process. I explored changes to the training structure over time, current training policy, as well as training violations and the on-call requirements. The goal of this paper was to put forth a comprehensive and clear picture of the common program requirements for resident medical training, the objectives in terms of program progression, and intent behind the July 2017 changes.”
The textbook is scheduled for publication in early 2018. Awad adds, “As a first time textbook author, this has been a complete honor and I hope to publish more work in the upcoming years.”

Want to read even more publications from BCOM faculty, staff, and students?
Dr. Lara Scheherazade Milane’s Nanomedicine Textbook Scheduled for Release on July 19