February Fun at BCOM!

There’s a whole lot going on outside the classroom at BCOM. This month, faculty, staff, and students rallied together for fun and comradery, and to give back to local teachers.

LCPS Foundation Trivia Night
Eight BCOM medical students formed two teams of four and joined Michael Morehead, Ed.D., at The Game II for a night of trivia. The event raised $800 for the Las Cruces Public Schools Foundation, which will be put in a fund from which local teachers can apply for mini-grants to buy school supplies. Second year student Stephanie Ayla said, “It was fun to take a break from studying and get together with friends for this event. The fact that the profits go forward to fund supplies for public schools makes it a very noble cause.”

2nd Annual Chile Cookoff
For the second year in a row, BCOM faculty and staff tied on their aprons and cooked up their best batches of belly-warming chili. First Place and World Famous Trophy Recipient: Mariella Gomez, Environmental Services. Runner Up: Jon Jackson, PhD, Associate Professor, Anatomy.

Mascot Madness Halftime Show!
Brett the Bear participated in NMSU’s Mascot Madness show during halftime at the NMSU vs. CSUB men’s basketball game on February 8 where he made an astonishing 360-degree dunk over Pistol Pete!