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Traveling Ambassadors

From San Diego to Albuquerque, BCOM was well represented at recent national and state conventions, conferences, and assemblies.

Third year medical student Harris Ahmed, shown here (front, right) attended the 2018 Osteopathic Medical Conference & Exposition (OMED) in San Diego, CA, where he was elected by the National Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) to serve as Vice President and Speaker for the 2019-2020 term. This will mark his third consecutive year serving National SOMA. Ahmed will be traveling to the American Medical Association Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) conference next month in Baltimore and the Comission on Osteopathic College Accreditation meeting in December as the representative for SOMA.

President Hummer attended the OMED ’18 Assembly of Presidents Meeting in San Diego. From left to right: Dixie Took Rawlins, President of Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine; Clint Adams, President of Rocky Vista College of Osteopathic Medicine; and BCOM President John L. Hummer.

Students and faculty represented BCOM at the 2018 American Osteopathic Foundation Honors Gala in San Diego, California. Pictured left to right: medical students Aryana Zakikhani and John Rajala; BCOM Pediatrics Chair Scott Cyrus, DO, and wife Janelle Cyrus; medical students Giselle Irio, Brian Liu, Shaun Antonio, Hayley Gorman, and Jessica Jacob.

At the New Mexico Society 2018 Convention in Albuquerque, BCOM students and faculty had the opportunity to meet a variety of physicians from throughout New Mexico. From left to right: Third year medical students Hannah Niehaus, Mark Wright, Saxony Busta, Avery Neal, Tammy Nguyen, Zac Taylor, and Emma Fleckman, with Kamran Kamali, MD; and Karen Vaillant, MD.