Burrell College Celebrates Class of 2025 White Coat Ceremony

Burrell College Celebrates Class of 2025 White Coat Ceremony

On Friday, July 16th, 162 students were welcomed to the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine with a White Coat Ceremony. This is the first major in-person event following the COVID-19 pandemic. The ceremony was held at Las Cruces’ Centennial High School.

The White Coat Ceremony is a traditional rite of passage for entering medical students. The event signifies a student’s acceptance into medical school and his or her commitment to compassionate patient care. After being robed with their first physician white coats, students recite an oath acknowledging their dedication to patients.

The Class of 2025 White Coat Ceremony featured keynote speaker, Dr. Shawna E. Scully, DO. Dr. Scully is a neurologist and Colonel in the U.S. Army who served two tours in Iraq, for which she was awarded the Combat Medic Badge and a Bronze Star. Dr. Scully is the Chief of Neurology and the Deputy Commander of Medical Services at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, where she supervises all primary care, emergency medicine, behavioral health, and internal medicine specialties at Ft. Bliss.

Opening remarks were delivered by President John Hummer and William (Bill) Pieratt, DO, dean and chief academic officer. Dr. Pieratt also led the students in the recitation of the osteopathic oath.

To watch the White Coat Ceremony Recap Click Here! https://youtu.be/j3RD1x6xxcI

To watch the White Coat Ceremony Keynote Speech by Dr. Shawna Scully, DO, click here. https://youtu.be/cvC1TWbdoXo