AACOM Announces 2023 Arnstein Minority Student Scholarship Recipients

Award honors underrepresented minority students in osteopathic medical education

The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) today announced the recipients of the 2023 Sherry R. Arnstein Underrepresented Minority Scholarship. The scholarship was endowed by the Arnstein family to honor former AACOM Executive Director Sherry R. Arnstein’s legacy and to help current and new osteopathic students from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds fund their education. This year’s recipients include six individuals, including Adrian Mercado from Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine.

“Receiving this prestigious scholarship is more than just a personal accomplishment. It is a profound acknowledgment of the sacrifices and aspirations of my ancestors,” said Adrian Mercado. “Sherry Arnstein’s legacy is a beacon of inspiration. The commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity in the field of osteopathic medicine is one that resonates deeply with me. I am dedicated to channeling my passion for healthcare into tangible actions that contribute to the improvement of access and quality in low-income communities.”

The Sherry R. Arnstein Underrepresented Minority Student Scholarship was established in honor of Arnstein’s lifelong dedication to public service, social equity and justice. After the initial endowment, AACOM continued funding the program, which has grown steadily since its inaugural grants were awarded. Since 2012, AACOM has awarded more than $250,000 to 66 recipients.

“We are very proud that these students represent the next generation of osteopathic physicians and will be the future doctors advancing our nation’s healthcare system,” said AACOM President and CEO Robert A. Cain, DO. “Our country is facing a crisis and is in desperate need of highly trained and skilled physicians, particularly doctors of color and those dedicated to practicing in underserved and rural areas. These student doctors are committed to the osteopathic principles of serving all communities, particularly those most in need. There is no better way to honor the legacy of Sherry Arnstein.”