First Woman & First Hispanic U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Antonia Novello Helps Welcome Women’s History Month And Shares Memoir with Burrell Student Doctors

  • Date: Sunday, March 3, 2024
  • Time: 4:00 PM – 5:45PM
  • Location: Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Campus
  • Address: 3501 Arrowhead Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88001

Event Highlights:

Dr. Antonia Novello, the first women and the first Hispanic to hold the office of the Surgeon General of the United States will speak to Burrell students about her career in service. Dr. Novello in launching her new biography Duty Calls: Lessons Learned from an Unexpected Life of Service. The memoir tells of challenges faced and overcome, of resilience and perseverance, and of shattering glass ceilings and opening doors for future generations of leaders. Dr. Novello also served as Burrell’s first keynote speaker at our inaugural White Coat ceremony in August 2016 (watch here:

Dr. Novello, a kidney specialist and vaccination advocate, shares her early battles with childhood illness and her desire to overcome stereotypes, while also chronicling her meteoric rise through various roles in the field of health care leading to her service as the nation’s top medical officer.

Dr. Novello was appointed by President George Bush in 1990. Prior to her appointment she served for two decades at the National Institutes of Health, where she took a role in drafting national legislation regarding organ transplantation.

About Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine:

Burrell is a four-year, private osteopathic, student-centered medical school utilizing the latest medical education technologies and methods to ensure student success in all fields of medicine — from primary care to subspecialties like surgery, anesthesiology, and emergency medicine. Established in 2013, Burrell has two campuses, Las Cruces, New Mexico and Melbourne, Florida. Learn more at