Burrell College Medical Students Lobby for OBGYN Pay and Paid Family Leave

Photo of Burrell Students at Burrell College Medical Students Lobby for OBGYN Pay and Paid Family Leave

Santa Fe, NM — Three third-year medical students from Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine took part in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s (ACOG) Lobby Day at the New Mexico state capitol.  Students Tim Habboub, Victoria Vicuña, and Shyama Yallapragada, along with Dr. Amelia Clement, a practicing OBGYN in Las Cruces, met with lawmakers to discuss policies that focus on improving OBGYN pay, retention, and paid family leave in New Mexico.

The students met with Representative Sarah Silva (NM-53) and State Senator Carrie Hamblen (NM-38),  who both expressed their support for our students. For student doctor Habboub, he appreciated the chance to speak directly with policymakers about issues that affect both healthcare professionals and the families they serve.

For Habboub, the experience was both meaningful and impactful. He appreciated the chance to speak directly with policymakers about issues that affect both healthcare professionals and the families they serve.

“I thoroughly enjoyed going to Santa Fe and participating in the state’s policy making,” said Mr. Habboub. “It was an honor to advocate for OBGYN healthcare workers and women’s/family healthcare, and to represent Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine in this important effort.”

The students hope their advocacy will help move forward policies that improve healthcare access and better support medical professionals across the state.