BCOM Gives Back: Students, Faculty, and Staff Raise Money For Good Causes

Kudos to the good work BCOMers have been doing to help out their fellow community members!

The Sports Medicine Club raised $900 at their 5k Tachycardic Run. Members from the club personally delivered the check to the Mesilla Valley Community of Hope, an organization which provides support to homeless people through a myriad of services to help people get back on their feet and off the street.

BCOM also hosted a bowling fundraiser which raised $300 for the March of Dimes, a nonprofit that funds research to help improve the health of mothers and babies. One of their main objectives is to reduce the occurrence of birth defects and premature births. Congratulations to the winning team, “Split Happens,” comprised of Ben Matkin, Justin McHorse, Sam Kadavakollu, and Steve Ontiveros. Special thanks to everyone that donated and participated, especially Steven Ontiveros, Brett Newcomer, Royce Sumayo, and Karen Provencio for organizing and setting up this fun event.