Emergency Notification

Emergency Notification

When there are major incidents or emergencies that affect a large number of people and that present an immediate threat to health or safety, Burrell and/or NMSU and/or Florida Tech will issue advisories, alerts, or warnings as appropriate, to not impede the public safety response or further endanger lives.

An Emergency Notification is used when there is immediate danger or threat. Examples include manmade and natural disasters, violent crimes in process, or similar emergency situations. A Timely Warning is used when there is an ongoing situation or crime trend that may pose a danger but is not immediately dangerous. Examples include murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and hate crimes. Other crimes may warrant a timely warning based on the level of danger or risk present to the College community. An Advisory may be used for situations that DO NOT involve immediate danger such as traffic situations or non-Clery reportable crimes. Advisories may be sent out via e-mail, news media, or Burrell’s social media pages. Burrell employee and student emails and cell phone numbers are automatically enrolled into the College’s electronic Emergency Notification System (ENS). For additional information, please contact Burrell’s Office of the Registrar or Office of Human Resources.