Excused Absence Request Forms and Grade Review Forms

Excused Absence

Students may be excused from activities that require attendance. Please see the Student Handbook. A request to be excused must be submitted in advance of the activity. When absence from an activity was the result of an unexpected occurrence, students must submit a completed absence request as soon as possible but no later than the first date of return to the College. Submission of a request does not assure that the request will be approved. The excused absence form for OMS I and OMS II may be completed online at:

Note Regarding Absence from Clinical Rotations

Students who are granted an excused absence from any activity during the Introduction to Clinical Rotations course shall be required to remediate that activity to the satisfaction of the course director before beginning clinical rotations. Students who are absent more than four (4) days from any clerkship period for any reason may be required to repeat that clerkship. Additionally, any unexcused absence may result in a finding of non-professional conduct. The excused absence form for OMS III and OMS IV can be found at:

The complete policy regarding attendance may be found at:

Grade Review Requests

The Grade Review Request Form can be found here:

Please refer to the Student Handbook.