Resources for Preceptors
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Useful Links and Modules:
How to be an Efficient and Effective Preceptor
This guide covers the basics of being an effective preceptor. The guide ranges from establishing a teaching environment to broadening student responsibilities.
Preceptor Development: Providing Effective Feedback
This article provides preceptors with information on how to provide effective feedback to their students. The article includes various approaches to feedback and factors that influence quality of feedback.
Preceptor eLearning Course
The Preceptor eLearning Course covers a wide range of subjects to understanding your role as a preceptor to building a foundation for effective communication.
One-Minute Preceptor Teaching Method Guide
This one-page preceptor guide aides in fostering assessment of student knowledge and providing timely feedback to students.
American Association of College of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) Advisor-Preceptor Development
AACOM provides short videos and presentations on working one-on-one with students in a clinical setting. The link includes student career planning guide and an education scholar module.
Video Modules included:
Five Microskills for the One Minute Preceptor
The Effective Preceptor
Burrell Archived Presentations Relevant to Precepting
Remediation of the Struggling Medical Learner
Dr. Jeannette Guerassio, international speaker and author of Remediation of the Struggling Medical Learner, presents to Burrell faculty about recognizing struggling learners and developing remediation strategies to get them on track.
The link below will take you to the recorded session:
Critical Components of Clinical Teaching: Concepts and Strategies
Dr. Todd Zakrajsek visited our campus and offered Faculty Development sessions. Todd Zakrajsek is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Associate Director of the Faculty Development Fellowship at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Dr. Zakrajsek is also an Adjunct Associate Professor of Faculty Development in the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University and Executive Editor of a new journal, Education in The Health Professions.
The link below is a recorded session targeted for clinical education faculty:
Feedback and Learning Climate
Dr. Robert Goldsteen, BCOM Department Chair of Clinical Education presentation focuses on feedback and learning climate. The presentation is focused on clinical education settings and provides various scenarios and appropriate feedback. The presentation also addresses various techniques for feedback.
Preceptor Professional Development Program Sessions
12/08/2021 – Preceptor Professional Development Program – Session I
03/03/2022 – Preceptor Professional Development Program – Session II