Class of 2025 Honor Code

In pursuit of codifying honorable action for the Class of 2025 we set forth these positive examples:

  1. Academic Integrity:
    1. I act with integrity and maintain a high standard of honesty and morality.
    2. I ensure that my work is authentic and report any dishonesty of my peers.
    3. I respect the instruction offered by Burrell’s faculty and staff.
  2. Personal Health:
    1. I seek to maintain a balance of my mind, body, and spirit by ensuring that no aspect of my health is ignored.
    2. I foster healthy habits and self-control, as I hope to someday be an example for my patients.
    3. I accept that should I find myself wrestling with chemical or behavioral dependency I will seek help so that I might thrive.
  3. Self-improvement:
    1. I strive for long-term learning and growth and seek progress over perfection.
    2. I work diligently to maintain my knowledge as medicine grows and evolves.
    3. I accept reprimand with dignity, criticism with grace, and spite with forbearance.
    4. I appreciate that rigor and diligence do not promise comfort, and I will embrace challenges with the hope that I might make these same steps easier for those who come after me.
  4. Professionalism:
    1. I accept responsibility for my actions and seek to demonstrate real change if I find that I am in error.
    2. I abide by the expectations of the institutions where I work and learn.
    3. I reject those standards which create unfair or discriminatory barriers to participation in the greater community of medicine.
    4. I accept the burden of perception that comes with being a physician both in person and online and remember that my actions reflect on my profession.
  5. Respect:
    1. I do not discriminate based on any spurious delineation of race, gender, expression, belief, or lifestyle.
    2. I respect the decisions, boundaries, and privacy of my peers.
    3. I do not defame the character of my peers, faculty, or staff through word or action.
  6. Aid:
    1. I treat my peers with kindness, dignity, and empathy in recognition of the fact that not all struggles are obvious.
    2. I allow no individual to be isolated from the community.
  7. Participation:
    1. I commit to serving my community to the best of my abilities.
    2. I educate myself as to the barriers to compassionate and sufficient healthcare facing my community.
    3. I challenge myself to engage thoughtfully with my community. Only through active partnerships can I best be of service.
  8. Protection:
    1. I promote the well-being of my community by acting as best I can to prevent transmission of disease.
    2. I accept that I serve as a representative of my profession to the community and will serve in a way that is ethical and complies with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

I will adhere to all Burrell College policies and proceduresStudent HandbookCourse CatalogTitle IX, and the AOA Code of Ethics

Student Honor Code Acknowledgment

I have reviewed the Class of 2025 Student Honor Code (“Code”). I understand that I am responsible for adhering to the expectations specified in the Code.

With my signature below, I confirm that I have read and understand all the information contained in the Code and that I agree to abide by all guidelines listed therein. I further confirm with my signature that I understand the consequences and action(s) that may be taken as a result of violating the Code.