Emergency Procedures

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Emergency Procedures

Emergency Numbers

Emergencies (Police/Fire/EMT) – 911
Las Cruces (NM) Campus

  • Security Desk – 575-674-2299
  • Security Cell – 575-520-6358
  • AVP of Administration – 575-674-2391

Melbourne (FL) Campus

  • Florida Tech Security Emergencies – 321-674-8111
  • Florida Tech Security Non-Emergencies – 321-674-8112
  • Director of Operations – 575-674-0803


Las Cruces (NM) Campus

  • Main Campus Building – 3501 Arrowhead Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88001
  • Medical Education Center – 3503 Arrowhead Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88001
  • Research Laboratory – 9035 Advancement Avenue, Las Cruces, NM 88001

Melbourne (FL) Campus

  • L3 Harris Commons Building – 3011 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901
  • Notify others nearby, call 9 1 1.
  • Activate Fire Alarm.
  • Leave building quickly, using stairs.
  • If needed, use fire extinguisher to help escape.
  • Gather at designated meet points.

Fires can be extremely dangerous. A fire can double in size every two minutes. It is important to take action immediately.

Follow evacuation procedure. Do not re-enter the building for any reason, until given the “All Clear” to re-enter. Follow the instructions of the emergency responders.

If not trained to use fire extinguisher, do not try to fight the fire. Utilize fire extinguisher to assist in safely escaping the fire.

For more information about fires, and to learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher, contact Burrell College Security at (575) 674-2299.

For all medical emergencies:

  • Assess scene safety – is it safe to approach the patient?
  • Is the person breathing? Can he/she talk or cough?
  • Call 9 1 1.
  • If possible, take the phone to where the patient is located.
  • Follow the emergency medical instructions provided by the dispatcher.
  • If others are available, have them assist in giving aide, helping first responders find the patient, etc.

There are a wide variety of medical emergencies that may arise. These may include (but are not limited to): animal bites, insect stings, allergic reactions, bleeding, falls, heat and cold emergencies, seizures and heart attacks.

If someone is in need of medical assistance, always start with calling 911 in order to get emergency medical services responding as quickly as possible. These professionals will bring the appropriate equipment and medications that can be used to help the person and get them as quickly as possible to a hospital.

In addition, the emergency dispatcher can provide callers with directions over the phone on what can be done until responders arrive. This includes the gathering of critical information, instructions on how to assess the patient, and information on how to perform life-saving techniques like CPR. First Aid Kits and AEDs are available on each floor.

Before something happens, consider taking a First Aid and CPR course. These courses provide the opportunity to learn and practice emergency techniques. In the event of an emergency, you will then be more confident in your abilities.

As soon as possible:

  • Call Campus Security (674-2299).
  • Provide as much information as possible about the person, including clothing description, height, build, hair color, eye color, jewelry, vehicle description, license plate number, etc.
  • If possible, take a picture with a cell phone or other camera.
  • Notify supervisors so they can take any action necessary to improve security in the office/work environment.

Virtually everyone has seen someone they thought did not belong in an area, or was doing something that didn’t quite seem right. In some cases, these suspicious people have been reported and found to be terrorists conducting surveillance on a location. In these cases, many lives were saved. In other cases, it has been determined that the person was not actually doing anything wrong. In both cases, the decision to report the suspicious behavior was appropriate.

When people are planning on committing a crime, they frequently “test” the environment to see what they can get away with and the ease with which they will be able to commit their eventual crime. They often begin by doing things that are not proper, but not necessarily illegal. This may include trying door knobs to see if any are left open, looking closely at door latches to see if they might be able to jam them in the open position, taking pictures of the area (especially of sight lines,
camera locations, alarm panels, doors, windows, and equipment), sitting and watching the habits and patterns of the people who work there, etc.

If something or someone doesn’t feel quite right, it is always best to take the safe approach and report it to the proper police or security authorities so it can be checked out. Don’t feel bad if the person ends up being innocent, as the next time the suspicious person might be up to no good.

How to Respond:


  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • If possible, help others escape.
  • Keep your hands visible.


  • Hide in an area out of the shooters view.
  • Stay away from doors and windows.
  • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors.
  • Silence your cell phone.
  • Dial 911 if possible to alert police of the active shooter (If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen).


  • As a last resort and only when in imminent danger – attack.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
  • Act with physical aggression and throw items at the shooter (i.e. chairs, fire extinguisher, or other heavy items).
  • Use others to help overwhelm the shooter.
    There is strength in numbers.

An Active Shooter
 is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, in mostcases through the use of a firearm. There is no pattern or method to the selection of victims.

Plan for Active Shooter:

  • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers or changes.
  • Take notes of exits nearest to you for escape.
  • If you’re in an office, understand the layout, and doors that can be locked.
  • Know the designated meeting points that are safe and far enough from the building.

Providing Information When Calling 911:

  • Your name and address of location
  • Location of active shooter
  • Number of shooters
  • Any physical description of shooter
  • Number and type of weapons held by the shooter
  • Number of the potential victims at the location

How to Respond When Law Enforcement Arrives:

  • Remain calm and follow instructions.
  • Put down any items you have in your hands (i.e., purses, bags, jackets, cell phone, etc).
  • Raise hands and keep fingers spread.
  • Avoid quick movements towards officers such as grabbing or holding on to them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing and screaming or yelling.
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or directions when evacuating.

By Phone:

  • Pay close attention to what the caller is saying.
  • Look for caller ID information on the phone.
  • Use the guide in the next column to gather as much information as possible.
  • Notify others nearby, call 911.
  • Look for any items that appear to be out of place, report them to responding units.
  • Follow departmental procedures to guide decisions on what to do next.

In Writing:

  • Call 911 police to report
  • To preserve potential evidence, avoid touching paper any more than is absolutely necessary.
  • If threat is immediate, follow departmental procedures.
  • Follow instructions provided by the emergency dispatcher.

Gather as much information from the caller. This includes:

  • If a recorder is available, make sure it is running.
  • Note the time and Caller ID information.
  • Note which line the call is coming in on.
  • Pay close attention to the exact words used.
  • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible, try to get as much detailed information as possible, to include:
    • Where is the bomb?
    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • What does the bomb look like? What kind
    • What will cause it to explode?
    • Who placed the bomb? Why?
    • Where are you calling from?
    • What is your name? Address?
  • Note the following characteristics of the caller:
    • Does it sound like a male or female voice? What is the caller’s demeanor (calm, angry, rushed, laughing, crying, sincere, etc.)
    • Does the caller have any special characteristics (accent, stutter, lisp, slur, nasal sound, high pitch, low pitch, squeaky, etc.)
    • Does the caller speak fast, rushed, slow, deliberate, loud, soft, etc.)
    • Is the voice familiar?
    • Are there any background noises?

Follow any special instructions provided by the emergency dispatcher.

Small Chemical Spill:

  • Follow established laboratory or workplace procedures for spill management.
  • Notify Supervisor.
  • Properly dispose of materials.

Large Chemical spill / Gas Leak:

  • Evacuate the area.
  • Call 911.

Chemical Ingestion:

Chemicals are part of the everyday lives of virtually everyone in the United States. As such, they are familiar items to most people. This familiarity can sometimes result in the chemicals being handled in a manner that is less cautious than it should be. In addition, some accidents can occur as the result of slips and falls. Either of these can lead to a chemical being spilled into the environment.

Since chemicals vary greatly in the type and amount of danger they present, the nature of the specific chemical involved in a spill needs to be taken into consideration during an incident. Chemicals that present an inhalation hazard may need to be handled quite differently from those that only present a contact danger. Because of this, all employees who may be exposed to chemicals in the workplace need to be properly trained about the chemicals and where they can find the Material Safety Data Sheets, along with any specific departmental or laboratory procedures for spills that might exist.

In order to reduce the danger of spills, there are several steps that can be taken, including:

  • Keep chemicals in their original containers.
  • Have MSDS and departmental procedures clearly posted.
  • Have annual training with all employees regarding chemical hazards in their workplace.
  • Call 911 for any spill that is larger than the department is trained and equipped to handle.
  • Make sure any cleaned-up chemicals are properly contained.
  • Never pour chemicals down a sink – call Chemical Hygiene Officer – (575) 674-1761 for guidance on how to properly dispose of chemicals

In any emergency:

  • Call 9 1 1
  • Say, “This is an EMERGENCY”.
  • Give your LOCATION.
  • Briefly tell WHAT is happening.
  • Stay on the line for instructions or to provide additional information to the dispatcher.

Stay safe:

  • Get to a safe place as quick as possible.
  • Notify others of the danger so they can also stay away.
  • Monitor the situation to see if it gets worse, or if, circumstances (like wind direction) change.
  • Don’t take unnecessary risks to try to save property.
  • Be prepared in advance for things that can be reasonably anticipated based on occupation or location.

The following are some useful resources related to emergency planning, response, and recovery. The Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Main Campus is covered by NMSU Emergency Services. The Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Research Lab is covered by Las Cruces Emergency Services.

NMSU Police Department – EMERGENCY 911 – Non-emergency (575) 646-3311

NMSU Fire Department – EMERGENCY 911 – Non-emergency (575) 646-2519

Las Cruces Police Dept. – EMERGENCY 911 – Non-emergency (575) 526-0795

New Mexico Poison Control Center

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Security Office
(575) 674-2299 /Cell (575) 520-6358

Asst VP for Administration
(575) 674-2391

Director of Student Life
(575) 520-5173

NMSU Campus Health Center
(575) 646-1512


  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Web Site – www.burrell.edu
  • NMSU Police Department – www.nmsupolice.com
  • NMSU Fire Department – www.fire.nmsu.edu
The following space contains contact information for university offices related to emergency planning, response, and recovery. Offices that can provide related support are also included. Each university department should also maintain emergency contact numbers and email lists which are specific to individuals in the department. Websites:
  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Web Site www.burrel.edu
  • NMSU Police Department www.nmsupolice.com
  • NMSU Fire Department www.fire.nmsu.edu
On Campus:
  • NMSU Police Department EMERGENCY | 911, Non-emergency | 575-646-3311
  • NMSU Fire Department Non-emergency | 575-646-2519
  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Security | 575-674-2299
  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Assistant VP for Administration | 575-674-2391
  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Director of Student Affairs | 575-520-5173
  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Title IX Coordinator | 575-674-2339
  • Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Health and Wellness Counselor | 575-674-2228
  • NMSU Campus Health Center | 575-646-1512
  • NMSU Department of Housing and
  • Residence Life | 575-646-3202
  • WAVE Program | 575-646-2813\Crimson Cab | 575-526-TAXI
  • ASNMSU Pete’s Pickup (Safe Walk Service) | 575-646-1111
  • La Piñon Rape Crisis Center | 575-526-3427
  • La Casa Domestic Violence Shelter | 575-526-2819
  • Domestic Violence Hotline | 800-376-2272
Off-Campus Law Enforcement Agencies:

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine COUNSELING CENTER

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine offers counseling services free of charge to students at the Office of Student Affairs. Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine employs a well-credentialed part-time Health and Wellness Counselor that can help students with a wide range of issues. Students interested can schedule an appointment with the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Health and Wellness Counselor at 575-993-5720. When a victim of sexual assault, harassment, dating violence or domestic violence come to Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine counseling services, the student receives materials to take away with them after the visit. The materials include contact information to both campus and community resources. On-campus resources include: the NMSU Campus Health Center, Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Office of Compliance, NMSU Housing & Residential Life; NMSU Pete’s Pick Up’, NMSU Police, 7Cups Online emotional support system, and NMSU Wellness, Alcohol Violence and Education (W.A.V.E.). Community resources include: La Casa Domestic Violence Shelter, La Piñon Rape Crisis Center, Las Cruces Police Department, Memorial Medical Center, Mountain View Regional Medical Center and the Doña Ana County Sheriff’s Office’s Victim Assistance Unit. The victim is given phone numbers and addresses of these services and offered assistance with reaching these services.