Faculty Development

Faculty Development

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine provides faculty development resources to all teaching faculty, both on campus and in the clinical setting. Faculty development programming is designed in response to annual needs assessment and informed by the Faculty Development Advisory Council.

All faculty members in the Las Cruces area are encouraged to attend weekly sessions on campus. We offer three types of sessions:

Faculty Academy of Medical Educators (FAME)
FAME sessions are discussions on topics related to medical education. These faculty-led sessions connect learning theory to practice and introduce innovative methods for assessment and facilitation of learning. FAME serves as a forum for communication and quality improvement in the curriculum. 

Topical Sessions
Topical sessions include presentations by local and invited speakers related to research, OMM, student support, sociocultural awareness, personal wellness and organizational culture. As appropriate, these sessions are open to faculty and staff.

Each year, Burrell College hosts one or more intensive workshops for faculty development. Speakers are invited based on needs assessment and faculty recommendation. Workshops are held on campus, but open to all BCOM faculty.

Faculty Development Resources


Burrell Faculty Development Resource Page
Includes a repository of faculty development resources. Videos, slides, and resource links from prior faculty development sessions are posted here.

Preceptor Resources
Includes a list of useful links and resources specific to preceptor faculty

Learn about Osteopathic Medicine

For questions, comments, or help with accessing resources, please contact facultyaffairs@burrell.edu