Student Travel Funding

Student Travel Funding

The Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Office of Research & Sponsored Programs has limited funding available to help medical students attend conferences to present their research.

Students requesting support from Burrell College must satisfy the following criteria in order to qualify for funding through the ORSP Medical Student Travel Program:

  • Students must be in good academic standing
  • Research must have been conducted under the supervision of a Burrell College faculty member
  • The recipient of travel funds must be the presenting author at the meeting
  • Applications must also be accompanied by a
    • copy of the abstract or creative work submitted for presentation
    • fully executed Excused Absence Request Form
    • fully executed Burrell College Travel Requisition

Funds can only be provided for Burrell College approved activities in accordance with Burrell College Business Office policies. Funding is available only for domestic travel through this program.  Incomplete application will not be considered for funding.

Applications must be submitted as soon as possible following abstract acceptance.