Frequently Asked Questions

Who should my letters of recommendation come from?

Who the letters of recommendation come from will vary per specialty, but particularly letters will come from preceptors, clinical faculty, audition rotations, and from a department chair at BCOM. It is important you meet with your Career Counselor to go over any specific details on who those letters should be coming from. It is also recommended to check with the program you are interested in applying for residency to look at their requirements on who they want the Letters of Recommendation from.

Please refer to the LoR’s Guidelines for more tips and strategies.

Will I need a department chair letter of recommendation?

If once you do your research on programs that you may be interested in for residency you come up with a program that requires a letter of recommendation from a department chair please let me know and I will be happily to let you know who to contact from BCOM. It will vary and it will depend on the specialty of interest. I would also suggest getting LoR’s from your core rotations and audition rotations.

How many applications should I submit through ERAS?

This will depend on the specialty of interest, how competitive the programs you are applying to are, and how competitive you are as a student.
For further information please click here.

What is the recommended sequence for COMLEX Level II (PE & CE)

Below you will find strong recommendations that will help you succeed on these exams, but yet, are not mandatory.

Regarding COMLEX Level 2-CE it is recommended to take this test after your last core rotation; right after your study month during year three and before you begin your audition rotations in year four. As a student you need to make sure that you take this test before the end of August in case you need time to remediate. You want to make sure all scores are in by the time you are applying to the residency programs in September of Year 4.

Regarding COMLEX Level 2- PE it is recommended to take it after you are done with your FM core rotations. If possible, it is recommended to take it during the winter break in December from year three so you leave time to remediate, if needed. It is possible to take it during the spring in year three, but it may be difficult due to scheduling reasons. Please make sure you take the Level 2-PE no later than September during year four.

There is no mandatory sequence, so you may take PE before CE. Lastly, there is no deadline at BCOM other than graduation to complete the exams.


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Michelle Devora, MEd

Director of Career Development