Class of 2024 Honor Code

BCOM Class of 2024 Student Honor Code

We, the Class of 2024 at Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, believe in our duties to uphold as medical students, citizens of our local and national communities, and future medical professionals. This Honor Code will act as a resource and guide when determining how to do so.

Compassion, Responsibility, Professionalism, Community, and a Commitment to Ethics are the foundations of this Code. We agree to uphold these ideals individually and collectively, and to preserve the honor of ourselves, our class and our community throughout our professional careers. With this Code in mind, we will embody, “para la gente, y el future,” – or, “for the people, and the future,” – to leave a legacy of excellence.


We are to be compassionate not only as future physicians, but as individuals who behave as exemplars to our peers, our local community and beyond. We will treat everyone we encounter with empathy and respect and will display concern and sympathy for others’ well-being. By doing so, we aim to create longer-lasting, quality relationships that cause a ripple-effect upon the compassionate initiative of others.


As Burrell students, we acknowledge the different roles we hold towards various individuals in our lives.

We have a responsibility to ourselves. We will maintain and improve our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. As medical students and future doctors, we cannot help others without first helping ourselves.

We have a responsibility to our classmates. We will encourage and look out for one another both in and out of professional settings. As lifelong learners, teammates and leaders, our ability to perform depends on our social and professional relationships.

We have a responsibility to our school. We will be respectful to the staff and faculty at BCOM. We will recognize and embrace our unique differences. As students, we will be prepared to learn, participate and value our faculty’s time while maintaining a professional learning environment.

Our responsibilities to ourselves, classmates and faculty serve as anchors for present and future relationships and strengthen our community in the years to come.


Professionalism is paramount to success in our field — not only as students, but as future physicians. We will maintain professionalism in our attitude, words and actions. We will take ownership of our actions to maintain professional excellence as outlined in the Code of Professional Conduct.

We will display professionalism and uphold our values in situations involving (but not limited to): classroom interactions (virtual and in-person), plagiarism, on-campus activities, social events, social networking and social media platforms as illustrated in the Student Handbook. Therefore, we discourage students from wearing BCOM gear while participating in social activities that may reflect poorly on the school.

BCOM is a Substance-Free Campus. We will not participate in the abuse of alcohol or illicit drugs in order to maintain competent and professional behavior. In any setting, substance abuse may affect the way we are perceived and how we represent BCOM.

We will treat others with the same standards of respect, honor and integrity in which we hold ourselves. We will forgo personal bias or prejudice to the best of our abilities to provide quality care for everyone.

We represent our school as much as the school represents us. Hence, the Class of 2024 will adhere to the highest level of professionalism in an ethical, honorable manner as a fundamental part of our daily lives. How we act today impacts who we are tomorrow.


We will treat all people equally regardless of race, nationality, culture, creed, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, political affiliation or socioeconomic status. We will never harass another individual nor tolerate the harassment or abuse of others, as specified in the BCOM Drug Policy. and Title IX.

The College Community: We as a student body will treat our colleagues, faculty and administration with utmost professionalism and respect. We vow to create a culture of trust as well as foster cross-cultural competency. We shall not defame our peers nor our institution. We will not distribute didactic, laboratory, OMM, exam or study materials to others. We will resolve any disputes by abiding by the Chain of Command (stated in the student handbook) by utilizing Student Affairs.

We will not record others without their explicit consent, whether using audio, video or photography. This includes all interactions with fellow students, staff, guests and standardized patients. We will take cases of discrimination and sexual harassment seriously and report it to the relevant school and local authorities. We will set a positive example across all areas of the Burrell and NMSU campuses by respecting school and public property, behaving safely and courteously and interacting with others as representatives of our institution.

New Mexico and Beyond: We will be cognizant of our role and responsibilities as medical students to the greater community of Las Cruces and New Mexico. We will be aware of our visibility, physically and on social media, and how our actions may influence others by nature of our position as future healthcare professionals.

We will take appropriate roles within our community that will allow us to leverage our medical education for the benefit of local individuals, groups and populations in need. We will follow public health guidelines set by the proper governing bodies; we will disseminate knowledge of those policies to those who are not aware of them. Additionally, we will not undertake actions that will put the health of community members at risk, regardless of circumstance.

We will follow all local, state and federal laws and regulations to set an example to others as well as to maintain civility within our community. We are aware any infraction must be reported immediately to Student Affairs.

In the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we will abide by all New Mexico public health orders in addition to CDC guidelines.

We will be role models for the preservation and promotion of health on campus, in Las Cruces, in New Mexico and on a global level.

Commitment to Ethics

As future physicians, we vow to acknowledge and uphold our responsibility to our patients and our peers. We will hold moral and professional conduct in the highest regard as outlined in the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Code of Professional Conduct. and the AOA Code of Ethics.

We will respect the patients’ rights to confidentiality, humanity and dignity. We acknowledge our limitations as students with scant knowledge and skill. We will not represent ourselves other than such and prioritize asking for assistance when needed. We will strictly adhere to HIPAA Guidelines when applicable. Additionally, we will abide by all policies stated in the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Handbook and Course Catalog.

Statement of Affirmation

I acknowledge and attest that I have read the Class of 2024 Student Honor Code & associated materials in its entirety. I swear to personally uphold the aforementioned principles and agree to follow and abide by these guidelines. I understand the consequences and action(s) that may result with non-adherence.

By signing, I attest that I am a representative of BCOM and will support my classmates, faculty, staff and overall community in contributing to a legacy of excellence.

Student Honor Code Acknowledgment

I have reviewed the Class of 2024 Student Honor Code (“Code”). I understand that I am responsible for adhering to the expectations specified in the Code.

With my signature below, I confirm that I have read and understand all the information contained in the Code and that I agree to abide by all guidelines listed therein. I further confirm with my signature that I understand the consequences and action(s) that may be taken as a result of violating the Code.