Disability Services

Disability Services

Burrell College seeks to comply with all regulatory statutes and accreditation standards for the purpose of accommodating students with chronic or short-term disabilities. Facilities have been designed to meet code requirements for accessibility. The plan for providing accommodations to students is governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The College’s Accommodation Policy can be found at: https://burrell.edu/policy-b9100/

Students who believe they have a qualifying disability that requires accommodation must contact the Office of Student Affairs to file their request. All requests should be provided in writing and state the nature of the disability and the anticipated duration. Additional documentation will be required in support of the request as described in the Student Handbook and Accommodations SOP. The Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs will make a final determination regarding qualification of the disability and what accommodation will be provided.

Accommodations provided to students by the College may not be similarly granted by external agencies that administer academic assessments as part of the College’s graduation requirements. Students requesting such accommodations must contact those agencies directly. Please direct any questions regarding this disclaimer to the Office of Student Affairs.

Further information about the Accommodation Request Process can be found in the Student Handbook and the Accommodations SOP.

Questions can be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at studentaffairs@burrell.edu.