Class of 2022 Honor Code

    1. Respect for Others
      1. I will strive to maintain moral and professional behavior to the highest degree as outlined in the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Handbook and the AOA Code of Ethics. (Code of Professional Conduct Policy)
      2. I will not record any faculty, staff member, or peers without their express written consent, including but not limited to didactic material, labs, clinical sessions, OMM, and guest presentations.
      3. I will refrain from defaming administration, faculty, staff, peers, and any members of the community.
      4. I will not engage in discrimination of others based on gender, sexual identity, age, race/ethnicity, religion, disability, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, national origin, etc: Non-Discrimination Policy
      5. I will be courteous of student study spaces and quiet areas, and respect the terms and conditions outlined in Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine’s room reservation guidelines.
      6. I will abide by Title IX Guidelines on sexual misconduct:

II. Ownership and responsibility

    1. I will represent Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine and its affiliates in a positive manner, knowing that my actions are a representation of Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine.
    2. I will be mindful of my social media presence.
      1. I will not post pictures of others (students, faculty and staff, patients, guests), lecture material, etc without express written consent.
      2. I will remain aware of my posted content on social media, and understand that content posted can be viewed by future employers.
    3. I will not use alcohol or illicit drugs while in any academic or clinical settings, including the misuse of prescription medications, in order to maintain competent and professional behavior.
      1. Refer to the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine drug use policy.
  1. Integrity
    1. Academic Honesty
      1. I will remain truthful in all academic and clinical activities including but not limited to examinations, evaluations, patient interactions, and any other representations of my work.
      2. I will not participate in any activity that constitutes cheating or obtaining an unmerited advantage. (Code of Professional Conduct)
        1. I will not engage in sabotage.
        2. I will not seek nor offer unauthorized assistance.
        3. I will not fabricate or forge documents, signatures, etc.
        4. I will not infringe on copyright laws or engage in plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
    2. Confidentiality
      1. I will adhere to HIPAA guidelines.  (Code of Professional Conduct Policy)
      2. I will protect the confidentiality of educational materials presented to me, including but not limited to lecture content and examination questions.

In addition to the above sections, I will abide by the AOA Code of Ethics, Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Code of Academic and Professional Ethics, and the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Handbook.

    1. Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Code of Ethics and Honor: Code of Professional Conduct Policy
    2. Student Handbook:

c. Course Catalog:

I will report any violations of the Student Honor Code to appropriate personnel.

Student Honor Code Acknowledgment

I have reviewed the Class of 2022 Student Honor Code (“Code”). I understand that I am responsible for adhering to the expectations specified in the Code.

With my signature below, I confirm that I have read and understand all the information contained in the Code and that I agree to abide by all guidelines listed therein. I further confirm with my signature that I understand the consequences and action(s) that may be taken as a result of violating the Code.