For any questions please contact the Office of Clinical Education at:

General Info:

Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Achievement Test (COMAT)

All Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM) students are required to take the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBOME) COMAT examinations on the last Friday of each core rotation. Students are also required to take the Osteopathic Principles and Practice (OPP) COMAT examination.

Absences or changes must be approved by the Office of Clinical Education, at least 14 days prior to the test day. If the student misses an exam without prior approval (No Show) it will automatically be considered as a failed exam and consequently a failed rotation.

Before the Test Day

  • Run a system check and download the secure browser prior to examination date
  • Review the COMAT tutorial prior to examination date
  • Respect the use of the COMAT series and avoid all irregular conduct

Test Day Protocol

Arrival and Check In

  • Check-in will begin 30 minutes prior to the exam start.
  • A valid government-issued photo identification card, such as a driver’s license or passport, is required at the check-in before being permitted to take your examination. BCOM ID cards will not be acceptable. If a student cannot provide a valid form of identification, or his/her name does not match the name in the NBOME Client Registration System the student will not be permitted to take the exam and will be considered a “No Show.”
  • The Proctor will provide students with their respective Launch Code and Proctor Code.
  • Examinees are to be in their seats five minutes prior to the exam start. Doors will close at this time. A candidate is allowed to sit for the examination upon late arrival, but in no way will be granted more time.
  • Once an examinee checks in, he/she will not be allowed to leave the testing room until the exam begins. Examinees needing a bathroom break after the exam begins will not be given additional time to complete the examination. Only one examinee will be allowed out of the room at a time.

Personal Items

  • All students’ personal items will be stored at a location designated by the Proctor, out of reach of the examinee.
  • All electronic devices, as well as Smart watches and headphones (including Bluetooth) must be shut off and turned in to the Proctor. Students will have access to their personal items after completing their exam.
  • Students will not be permitted to have text, notes, or any other study materials, and may not communicate in any manner with anyone inside or outside the testing site.
  • BCOM will provide students with a pencil, BCOM scratch sheet with the Launch Code, and disposable earplugs.
  • Examinees may not wear hats.
  • No food or beverage will be allowed in the testing room.

Technology Issues

  • In the event that an individual experiences a technology failure, the examinee must raise his/her hand immediately to inform the Proctor.
  • The Proctor will immediately seek recourse in order to allow the student to complete the entire exam in the time originally allotted.
  • If there is no immediate recourse available, the examinee will be assigned an alternate time to take the exam.

Exam Score Reporting

NBOME scores are available two – three weeks after the exam date. The Office of Clinical Education will send the score reports via e-mail to the students.  For detailed information on your grades, please see the Student Clerkship Manual.