Exam Proctor

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine is looking for exam proctors.

Become an Exam Proctor at Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine and earn $10.00 an hour. Burrell Students are not eligible to serve as exam proctors. 

A person cannot be an exam proctor and a standardize patient.

What is an Exam Proctor?

An exam proctor is an individual who monitors students during exams. Exam proctors must be able to stand and/or sit for long periods of time and must be able to climb theatre type steps. Exam proctors need to be able to communicate with students in a quiet but professional manner.

Exam proctors can come from all walks of life and are 18 years of age or older. A flexible schedule, transportation and punctuality are essential.

When are exams?

Exams are held on various days of the week and at various times.

What happens on a typical exam day?

Most exam days consist of two exams; an Individual exam, followed by a 15-minute break and then a Collaborative exam. There are other exam days that only consist of an Individual exam.

Exam proctors will arrive between 15 and 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled to begin. As a student enters the exam room, exam proctors will hand them a seat assignment and pencil. During the exam, the proctors must move around the room and watch for inappropriate/unprofessional actions and report what they see to the Testing Center. At the end of the exam, exam proctors are to collect the seat assignment and pencil and check the student’s computer to ensure the exam has uploaded appropriately.

At the end of the exam, the exam proctor will complete an invoice indicating the length of time they were present.

How often do I work?

How often an exam proctor works depends on their availability, the number of proctors in the exam proctor pool and the length of each exam.  Exam proctors will not proctor every exam unless there is a shortage of exam proctors.

Prior to a semester starting, an email is distributed to all exam proctors with exam dates and start times. Each exam proctor replies to the email with their available dates. Based on the information received, the Testing Center will prepare a schedule and share with all exam proctors. There is an exam proctor meeting prior to the start of each semester.

If you are scheduled for a particular day and cannot make it, you must notify the Testing Center immediately. At that time, the Testing Center will contact other exam proctors for coverage.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Burrell College Testing Center at testingcenter@burrell.edu