Institutional Review Board

Institutional Review Board

Statement of Regulatory Compliance

The Burrell Institutional Review Board (IRB) is the review board at Burrell with sole authority to review and approve human subjects research conducted by Burrell investigators and students, and may serve outside entities under contractual agreement. Specifically, Burrell College assures  that:
  • no investigator may involve a human being as a subject in research without prior IRB approval and informed consent of the research subject.
  • the rights and welfare of human subjects are paramount in the research process;
  • the highest standards of ethical conduct are employed in all human subjects research activities;
  • research investigators are properly trained in the ethical and regulatory aspects of research with human subjects;
  • research investigators inform human subject participants fully of procedures to be followed, the risks and benefits of participating in research, and of their right to withdraw from participation at any time;
  • research using human subjects at Burrell College conforms with all applicable local state, and federal laws and regulations and specific policies of Burrell College.