Training Course Selection Guide

Training Course Selection Guide​

The guides below provide assistance on identifying training classes required of research participants at Burrell College. Your supervisor can assist you in determining the which courses are necessary for you to complete. Online courses are completed through CITI Program training. In-person trainings are provided by the Office of Research.

These guides will help you to determine:

  • Which trainings are relevant to your job
  • How the training is offered (online or in-person)
  • How frequently the training should be taken

Available training course selection guides:

  • The Safety Training Matrix
  • General Training
  • Safety Training for Laboratory Personnel
  • Safety Training for IBC
  • Safety Training for IRB

The Safety Training Matrix

The Safety Training Matrix is a comprehensive tool that provides guidance for research participants to identify training requirements specific to their participation in research. It also provides frequency and format of training.

General Training

All research participants are required to take Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), Conflict of Interest (COI), Information Privacy Security (IPS). Use the matrix to determine which RCR, COI and IPS courses are appropriate for you.

Safety Training for Laboratory Personnel

The Burrell Research Laboratories is a secured facility with restricted access. Access authorization can only be requested by supervisors. When you have completed ALL required trainings, contact your supervisor and ask them to request an access badge for you. ORSP will contact the badge recipient to schedule a time for badge pick up and completion of the 20 minute on-site Research Lab General Procedures and SWRPC Site Rules training.

All Access: Anyone accessing the Burrell Research Laboratories is required to take Research Lab General Procedures and SWRPC Site Rules training. These in-person trainings will be completed at the time of badge pick-up.

BioScience Research Laboratory (BSRL) : trainings required to access the BSRL are Hazard Communication & Laboratory Standard, Initial Biosafety Training, NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines, Bloodborne Pathogens.

Human Physiology Laboratory (HPL): trainings required to access the HPL are Human Subjects (Biomedical) Research, Bloodborne Pathogens, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

General Areas and Computer Lab: No additional trainings are required to access these areas.

Safety Training for IBC (coming soon)

Safety Training for IRB (coming soon)